Without the following people, there would literally be nothing on the stage, no food or drink at the concession stand, no working air conditioning, and the bathrooms would be a disaster as OCTA is a volunteer-run organization with a working board.
Shelly Stewart Banks | President, Buddy Awards, Photography, Historian, Jan Conner Scholarship Chair, Holiday Show Chair
Tracy Fox | Vice President, Season Tickets, Volunteer Coordinator, Phone Line Manager, Ticketing System
Kat Ruprecht | Secretary, Co-Production Manager, Rentals
Matthew Runnells-Rebol | Co-Treasurer
Michael Ritzel | Building Manager, Technical Director
Colton Rice | Co-Treasurer, House Manager
Lauren Crane Ryan | Marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Ticketing System, Graphic Design, E-blast, Print Materials
Spencer Thompson | Co-Production Manager, Rentals
Scott Salem | Web Development, Marketing
Chuck Cline | Lighting
Josh Finch | Sound
We have a veritable army of incredible volunteers who usher, sell concessions, and attend our annual clean-up day including: D.K. Evenson (Bookkeeping) and Richard Burt (Phone Line Messaging).
Want to be a part of the fun while playing a critical role in the exciting world of live theatre? We’re looking for people with expertise in or an interest in learning about accounting, facilities management and maintenance, fundraising and group sales. Many other skill sets are needed and no experience in theatre is required! To find out more about becoming a board member or a volunteer, please send an email to info@olathetheatre.org.