29 Mar English Farce Brings Big Laughs in “No Sex Please, We’re British”
MEDIA CONTACT: Victoria Hoffman
816-728-2048 | victorialatoya72@gmail.com
RESERVATIONS and TICKETS: olathetheatre.org or 913-782-2990
Olathe Civic Theatre Association (OCTA) continues its 2015-16 season with the door-slamming British farce No Sex Please, We’re British, by Anthony Marriott and Alistair Foot. The show runs April 15-May 1 and is directed by Bob Stewart.
The story follows assistant bank manager Peter Hunter, who lives in a flat above his bank with his new bride Frances. When Frances innocently sends a mail order off for some Scandinavian glassware, what comes back is Scandinavian pornography.
In typical farce style, with physical gags and dry British humor, the young couple, along with the bank’s frantic chief cashier, must decide what to do with the veritable floods of pornography, photographs, books, films and eventually girls that keep showing up. The story is further complicated by the presence of Peter’s mother, his boss, a visiting bank inspector, and a police superintendent.
Director Bob Stewart is yet another new face at OCTA, having recently moved to Overland Park, KS from California.
“I moved here several years ago from LA, and I wanted to work at a theater where the actors were committed and there was a strong sense of doing theater to make the best show possible,” Stewart said. “I found that at OCTA.”
Stewart also explains why farce is close to his heart. “I had the tremendous opportunity to be directed by the master of farce himself, Ray Cooney, in the west coast premiere of It Runs in the Family,” Stewart explained. “I learned so much from him during that run I wanted to bring that experience to the stage as a director. No Sex Please, We’re British has all the classic elements and still has a great story line and message.”
Starring in the No Sex Please, We’re British cast are Christopher Preyer (Peter Hunter); Kimberly Hentges (Frances Hunter); Andrew Joseph Brown (Brian Runnicles); Tracy Fox (Eleanor Hunter); Don Leonard (Leslie Bromhead); Ken Schmidt (Superintendent Paul); D’Andre McKenzie (Delivery Man); Dave Fullerton (Mr. Needham); Jo Bledsoe (Susan); and Charlotte Gilman (Barbara).
The production team includes Rebekah Grieb (stage manager); Amanda Albert (assistant stage manager); J. Patrick Inlow (lighting designer); Rita Marks (props design); and Marla Gonzales (costume design).
The show runs for three weekends on April 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 and May 1 with Friday and Saturday night performances at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets and more information are available at olathetheatre.org or reservations may be made by calling the theatre at 913-782-2990.
Next up at OCTA: Arcadia.
OCTA Announces its 2016-17 Season! Read about it here.
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