27 Sep Ruthless! Publicity Photos and Video
Olathe, KS (Sept 18, 2017) – OCTA continues the run of the musical comedy spoof Ruthless!, running September 15 – Oct 1. Photos are intended for editorial use.
Read original press release here.
View the sneak peek mockumentary, including interview with director Jay Coombes, here or below!

Cast of RUTHLESS! Seated: Julia Masterson (Louise Lerman*), Mia Cabrera (Tina Denmark*), Joey Brogden (Tina Denmark*), Eva Smith (Louise Lerman*); Standing Julia Moriarty (Miss Thorn), Alecia L. Stultz (Lita Encore), Judy Denmark (Stasha Case), Sylvia St. Croix (Trevor A. French), and Korrie Murphy (Eve Allabout) *The roles of Tina and Louise are double cast. When the actresses are not on in these roles, they make cameo appearances. Photo by Rita Marks

Joey Brogden (Tina Denmark), Trevor A. French (Syliva St. Croix), and Stasha Case (Judy Denmark) Photo by Rita Marks

Trevor A. French (Sylvia St. Croix), Joey Brogden (Tina Denmark), and Stasha Case (Judy Denmark) – Photo by Rita Marks

Students auditioning for the lead in the school play: Eva Smith, Mia Cabrera, Julia Masterson, Joey Brogden – Photo by Rita Marks

Students auditioning for the lead in the school play: Mia Cabrera, Eva Smith, Joey Brogden, and Julia Masterson. Julia Moriarty as Miss Thorn. Photo by Rita Marks.

Joey Brogden as Tina Denmark as Puddles the Dog; Julia Masterson as Louise Lerman as Pippi Longstocking. Photo by Rita Marks.
Sneak peek video!
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